To be able to say towards the end of my life that I have had a fulfilled life and to be able to wait with peaceful eyes (which for me are the mirror of my soul) for the last moments of my life, I must know from now on what this fulfilment means and live it every day, until the last.
I was fortunate to see such a peace and peaceful look in my grandfather on the day he celebrated his 96th birthday with friends, children, grandchildren and great-granddaughter! He has lived another half year since then, and every day has been a day THRILLED with joy!
The most important lessons for a fulfilled life learned from my grandfather for a fulfilled life are the following:
- to live each day with serenity;
- to enjoy what life and the people around me give me (and not to be focused on what life or people don’t give me);
- to be curious and to keep reading;
- to travel and grow;
- to train and be sporty all my life, so that I can enjoy the freedom a healthy body gives you;
- to love in my own way, but unconditionally and without expectations.
These things I train every day! I am aware that this is my happiness.
Aristotle said 2000 years ago: “Hope no longer for tomorrow’s happiness. Happiness is trained in the whole process”.
Another important aspect of having a fulfilled life is my need to have a purpose, my IKIGAI [1]!
At seventeen, I decided that my greatest desire was to help other people. The best way I thought I could do this would be to become a psychologist and thus help people!
The revelation I had in Coach training was that I don’t have to help people! What I can do is be USEFUL when needed and with whoever wants it, not who I think needs it!
In this sense, I will start a new project, which will have as its main direction useful and good acts of kindness in the couple relationship “Relationship Act of Kindnesses”!
Eudemonism [2] is the ancient Greek word for happiness and is based on Aristotle’s perception of happiness. For him, a good life means a meaningful and purposeful life.
The meaning of my life and my fulfilled life is to be USEFUL to the world around me, starting from the family micro-universe to the wider circle of friends and acquaintances, to the macro-universe constituted by the people I will meet during my lifetime!
[1] “IKIGAI – Japanese secrets for a long and happy life”- by Hector Garcia, Francesc Miralles
[2] “Lykke – In search of the happiest people in the world” by Meik Wiking